Natur, Kultur & Technik

A joint initiative of research institutions holding natural, cultural, technological, and life collections, and institutions of data competence.

Twelve Leibniz and five additional major collection-holding institutions join forces and form the nucleus of a scalable and open infrastructure.


Over a thousand co-workers ensure the long-term and sustainable development, preservation and maintenance of the collections united in the OSIRIS consortium.


160 Millionen physische Objekte und deren Digitalisate repräsentieren einen großen Teil unserer weltweiten natürlichen, technischen, kulturellen und sozialen Vielfalt.

The open and globally guaranteed access to data for everybody involves Citizen Science in a global network of knowledge.


High through-put digitization infrastructure; AI technology; multilayered data; data competence; establishment of inter- and transdisciplinary research.

Natural, cultural, technological information; advanced technologies; inter- and transdisciplinary approaches; community science.

Knowledge & Innovation

Open access to evidence-based information; bio-techno-cultural insights; development of relevant future fields.

Wicked Social Problems

Development of courses of actions for wicked problems like biodiversity-, climate-, as well as cultural-crisis and societal / democratic destabilization.

Contributions to a sustainable social transformation as a cornerstone of humankinds’ future. Fosters a fair share of knowledge.

Societies & Politics

Active contributions to execute goals of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP 15, SDG).